Saturday, May 11, 2013

Heading off to I know not where [oops this have been posted a long time ago]

I am ready for the pick up, and am going to Sepoi-Sepoi, Lombok, Indonesia. (if you want to google it). An hour flight and a 2 hour drive, to a private villa. My yoga studio has arranged a 5 day yoga retreat. They have done all the leg work.
We will have 2 very optional yoga practices a day. All food and drink is looked after. There is snorkelling, boat to another island, you can go in to Lombok? why? I'll know more in a day.
But I sure am ready.
We have a limo coming! Tim got this HSBC card that offers free limo rides to the airport. So he orders a limo the night before his work, and the car is waiting for him downstairs. He sure uses that perk! So he is taking me to the airport, in a limo, then he'll MRT home. This is life here!
I spoke with my osteo, saying I was confused as to what to do next.... neurologist? physio? different sleeping pills? . He urged me to go to an ENT guy! Well, a day later I had an appointment. No OHIP 3 month wait! The ENT guy said my problem is structural, and has given me a list of things to do to deal with very compromised airwaves. I have always been a light sleeper except in pregnancy and menopause. Guess what. Hormones affect the airwaves, the suppleness of them. So I will teach myself to sleep on my side, head raised up (I sleep on my back with a tiny pillow), take puffers to open the airwaves. Blah blah blah. At any rate, if my sleep improves my "issues" should disappear. I will be happy when I get there. Still plug away on yoga and osteo. My gym work out increases minimally but I am holding my weight (less than I have been since age 30).
We have bought a back up hard drive, and a friend loaded it with a whack of stuff. We have been watching recorded tv and movies. We are working our way through Glee, and saw A Week With Marilyn the other night. It is unbelievable what is on this little "thing". I have written directions so maybe I can watch when Tim is working. The tv leaves me defeated. Maybe I will master this. The tv, as back home, offers maybe 3 channels repeated 16 times, and then serials in Chinese and Thai and Malay. So the choice is awful.
I have ordered tickets for the SSO for Jan to June. One a month. The most unfriendly user form I have come across. No map of the theatre. You fill out your form, having no idea what seats! ??? So I called them and ordered over the phone. But the woman at the other end has such a thick Singlish Chinese/English accent I can't understand her. I just about lost it. But stuck with it because I really want those tickets. I thought I was going to have to go down to the concert hall to order. It's an hour away!
I am having fun gardening. My balcony. I brought seeds back for 4 kinds of tomatoes- cherry, plum, beefsteak, and basil, and cilantro. Cilantro is on life support. I also planted Datura seeds and they have not shown, after about 3 weeks. Maybe they won't. But I do have hope for some tomatoes. I have no idea with this climate, this wind. I'll keep you posted. I also have a 4' gardenia in bloom, that perfumes the balcony. I also have jasmine, bougainvillaea and palms. It is fun. But the pots are so dependant on me. They are planted in the local spoil, sandy clay, and get so much wind on the balcony. But I am having fun.

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