Saturday, March 22, 2014


Tim is asked often about MH370. I am sure you would ask him if you could. He knows as much as you or I do, what is in the news. But he does weight some of the explanations more than us who do not fly big airline planes.

We were at church last week and they were presenting candidates for RCIA who hope to join the Catholic church at Easter. Tim thought he saw someone from work at the front. It is a colleague of his, that he has known since he arrived, a lovely guy, Keong, a Malaysian that is with Tiger and teaches safety. Tim has spoken admiringly of him since he met him. But any conversations did not include church affiliation. After seeing Keong last Sunday, when Tim saw him next at work he spoke with him. Long story short, Keong invited us to an evening last night that was amazing. A meeting of young university men, at a house with something to do with Opus Dei. (Dan Brown was not there)

They meet Saturday nights and discuss philosophy, and how to have your Catholic perspective on happenings in the world. They had invited Keong to talk about MH370, with a slant to how to see it with your religious perspective. Keong teaches safety for Tiger, has been subpoenaed for many air disaster court cases, and he has an extensive knowledge of accidents. Tim, too, knows a lot about air disasters, because it is a pilot's job to learn from mistakes to not have them happen again.

Keong went over all the suggested scenarios and the result at the end of the evening was we knew no more media facts, but he suggested a different way of looking at the media information. (oh how we are manipulated by the media who are desperate to keep front page stories to sell their newspapers. )

He went over many of the suggested possible scenarios and showed us how they could not be. Disconnecting data links, shadowing another plane, (at night? with no radar to know where you or he is?).  Keong had no theories, no answers, but he did give expert explanations on a human level of all the information being tossed around.

For us to see a slice of Singaporean life, a massive National University where the meeting was, these young men searching for meaning. It is a connection with the community that I had hoped for, yearned for, and here with one month to go we have this wonderful connection with a community.
Interesting the way things unfold.

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