Just a few things I find interesting.
In the newspaper last week
a short article on the Malaysian handling of the MH370. They say it mirrors the government in the country. No one really in charge, no strong leadership.
an article about a blogger in Vietnam who was dissing the Vietnamese government on his blog. He was arrested, tried in court (2 hour trial) and charged with "abusing democratic freedom" and sentenced to 15 months in jail. Democratic freedom? Huh?
I'll just add, meekly, that I am dying of the heat these days. I think it is as hot as it has ever been here. I know you are handling the opposite problem and I do not say this to rub it in. But with the sunny blue sky days comes such heat. The strong winds we have had have gone and it is oppressive. I can not believe the construction workers etc out in this sunny heat.
I know, poor poor me.
please stop writtng to me by the way this is konrad and if you want to contact paul please send it to paul@encode.com