Wednesday, October 17, 2012

my computer is still sick

I will do a post quickly. My computer is tired, needs some attention.
But I have no time to take it to the dr. My life is so busy. HA
I  got back from Lombok Monday night and Friday morning we are going to Bangkok for the weekend. I tell you, it is exhausting.
Sepoi-Sepoi was superb. Flight to Lombok, 2 1/2 hrs from here, as far again south as Bali. It is a big island, with a mountain range ridge across the middle. Upon arriving, in the dark, we had a 1 1/2 hr drive in a 12 seater van (we were 11) over this mountain. I tell you the s curves- yikes. It was like a ride at the fair, thrown one way, then the other. 3 women were quite sick when we got there, and if it had been any longer, I might have joined them. Me, who had gravol in her bag- just forgot to take it, and pass it around.
The 5 days were glorious. There will be photos to follow. When my computer is feeling better, and when the woman who took 400 photos sends some around, I will pass some on.
We did meditation 7 a.m., yoga 7:30 to 9. Breakfast at 9. ( at a dining room outdoors, a marble floor and grass roof, just like in the travel brochures.) Lunch at 1:30, then yoga 5 -6:30, drinks at 7 and dinner 7:30.
It was an exhausting schedule. Lots of sitting around in an outdoor living room, covered from the sun, and huge ceiling fans. I had a massage every day, I would say the best I have had so far. ($40 for 1 1/2 hrs) and I have had a lot! They were outdoors, in a covered wall-less pavilion. So breezy with ocean winds, and the ceiling fans, that at one point my sarong covering me blew off!
There was an infinity pool, fresh water, temp between 75-80. You could stay in for ever. I finally am doing crawl!!! This is a big deal, given the range of motion needed in the shoulders to do crawl. A huge benchmark for me.
Some of us hired a boat to take us snorkelling to the Gilli Islands. Mind blowing colours Varieties of fish, blue and green coral, just breathtaking. And a benchmark for me, I could get in and out of the boat on those funny little ladders.
We did one session of team yoga. You are partnered  with another, and you support each other, winding in to positions you would not be able to do alone. Apparently there is a photo of me doing something that amazed my poor old body. I will send it along when I get it.
You don't forget you are in a Muslim country. Call to worship seemed to go on all day and night. Awakened at 3 a.m., but to such a beautiful sound. And during meditation and yoga, truly lovely.
The property was beautiful, landscaping wonderful blooming hibiscus, bougainvillaea, and many I can't identify. Staff everywhere, smiling, bowing, ready to be asked to help you.
The bed turned down every night with a chocolate and a note from the yoga teacher who put it together. I had a good roommate, just met her there. A very interesting group of woman. All younger than me, most could be the age of my children, all with fascinating stories as to why they are in Singapore.
Well I'm off for a massage.
We head off to Bangkok tomorrow morning, back Sunday.
Be in touch soon.

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