Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tim and I are ships in the night

It is 7 a.m. I have just got out of bed.
Tim just went to bed. We did get to say hello as I got up, and he went to sleep!
He went to work at 6 p.m. last night- to Perth, Australia. It is a six hour flight. The turnaround got him home at 6 this morning. Flew all night. Yikes!
I am up for the day and may not see him. Out and about, yoga, acupuncture, while he sleeps, and then he is off to work again tonight at 6- to Bangkok tonight, home at midnight. We might meet tomorrow morning, but he will need to sleep in because he goes out that night for another all nighter.
They work these guys hard. They do long hours back to back. Do they forget that Tim is 60? Not as easy to miss a night's sleep at 60, as it was at 30. But he loves it. It means time off is spent sleeping, and napping. He does try to get in a bike ride,  swim, or a workout in the gym. What I miss is having a meal together. But you know what? It means I do not have to cook. lol.
My doctors have said my body needs better sleep, to get better. I sleep terribly, about 4 hours a night of deep sleep, with the aid of a sleeping pill, and then surface sleep, or none, for the rest of the night. This has  been for about 2 years. So I have been doing acupuncture every day, to try to  get a better sleep. Progress is minimal, but I persevere til I leave for the home IN THREE DAYS, for the month. My Singaporean (Chinese) doctor is adorable. We talk a lot during treatments. I am learning all sorts about Singaporeans, Singapore, TCM. As he is about Canada, Ontario, BC, Muskoka. It's fun. Singaporeans speaking Mandarin, or Singlish, say "la" all the time. Okay-la. See you-la. I said they are like Canadians- Is that right -eh? How are you- eh? Not that I ever say eh, -eh? They also say sorry all the time. He puts in a needle that hurts a little, and says sorry. He comes in to the room after I have been resting, and says sorry as he turns the light on. I say he is quite Canadian.
Today I am taking my massage therapist from the salon there, to meet him. She wants to study TCM massage with him. HA. I am connecting two Singaporeans to meet. I guess I have arrived.
I have had emails asking me to continue my blog while I am home. So I will. What part of my palette is Bala? I guess a pretty big part! I had said that I was astounded at the number of hits on my blog. I think I said 78 a week. The next time it was 85, and has not been under 100 -  ONE HUNDRED!!! a week since. Wow. I love it. I think I am leading, and telling you about, my ordinary life here, (of course with some pretty exotic trips away,) but I am glad you keep coming back and reading. Still, it is my link with my family and friends back home. I am so glad you are out there.
We plan that we will get a stand-by flight on Lufthansa to Frankfurt Thursday night. It is a 12 hour flight. We are stand- by so we never really know until departure time, if we are on. It will be an overnighter for us, because it is 11 p.m. departure. Then arrival in Frankfurt, with time change, is very early Frankfurt time. A 5 hour (I think ) lay over and then again stand-by, AC Frankfurt to TO. 8 hour flight. So with the crossing the time zones, we MIGHT be in TO midday Friday. Looks not bad, eh? (EH!!!! ) 11 p.m. leave here, arrive what seems just  15 or so hours later in TO. But factor in the time change - 12 hours-. It is awful. But it is home!
It is all stand by. But the price is right. Positive vibes from all of you!!!
I am beside myself with excitement. A kid a Christmas. 3 more sleeps. Then an all-nighter sleepless in the air, and then HOME.

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