Sunday, April 1, 2012


Back again so soon. But I want to tell you about the storm this morning. I woke early (because an alarm went off at 4:30!!! urgh), so got  up. The wind was wailing, and it felt like the whole building was shaking. Being on the 23rd floor, it is a little disconcerting to have the building shaking. But it is all concrete and steel. I know it is concrete because to hang anything on the wall is a challenge. But I have never seen a wind like this. Our chairs did not blow around on the deck. The table and 4 chairs did, as a unit. An electric train, one of the those fast TGV trains!. And of course the plants are on their sides, but at least on their sides on our balcony!
But I looked out at the rain-spotted window and saw a vision. It wasn't the madonna, but it was an apparition. I think it was from Santa, to Virginia. Yes, there is a Santa. But this was yes there is such a thing as a Christmas tree. Look carefully in the rain spotted window. (I guess previous residents had  stickers on the wall!) OOPS two copies. Sorry, signed your I.T. Jane
It was solid gray out and the constant wail of the fog horn. The ocean was gray, no sight of ships, water, or anything. The rain was down the windows like at a car wash. I guess that wonderful wind yesterday brought this weather in.  It also gave us this sunset from our balcony last night

1 comment:

  1. I think I love the fact that you have a Christmas tree ghost as much as I love the idea of your dining set skidding as one across the balcony. That's a nice storm to see the back of!
