Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm glad to be back

It has been a while, I know. I'm so afraid I will fall off people's radar. You will look for a post and after a while of no posts will no longer look. Tell me it isn't so.
There have been reasons  for no blog. I wanted to keep this upbeat and not talk of all the complications, but it is so our life here that I am going to explain the big gap in the blog.
Tim has had every road block possible put in his way as he has pursued his goal of getting on with Tiger. It has been interesting. Now I will to try to keep it simple.
There was a qualification on his Air Canada licence that CAAS (Civil Aeronautic Association Singapore) didn't like. AC tests this PPC (Pilot Proficiency) every 2 years with a AQP (?) alternate years. CAAS insists you  have to have the PPC within 365 days. Tim's was 380 because he had had the QCP. (His buddy here was 361 days, so okay.) So Tim had to fly home to Vancouver this weekend (on his own buck) and hire a simulator, an examiner and a first officer to do this ride. This MAY appease CAAS.
Then he did a stress test and they read that he had schema in his heart. That took him out at the knees. He is followed very carefully at home and never had any such indications. He contacted his doctor in TO who sent info to back a healthy heart. That was a misreading on Singapore doctor, and the heart is fine. Just an unbelievable scare. THEN Tim takes something for his eyes and AC was fine with it and he has been followed very carefully at home. CAAS doesn't like it. Again he sent for all his medical back-up from TO and the verdict is still out on the eyes. Given the stress he missed one exam. No small wonder. Rewrote that and it is fine now. NOW he is taking a glucose test because his glucose readings were high. Does stress have anything to do with glucose readings? He is at the Sg dr. now, redoing the test to see what is up. So he has had licence, heart, test, eyes, and glucose. Needless to say it is very not fun right now. But he says he has done everything he can and the decisions rests with CAAS, a board not of pilots, or medical doctors. So we wait. In limbo.
Other than that everything is fine. HA.
Today is a gorgeous day. Sunny, blue sky, puffy clouds, and about 72' in the apartment.
I have not been blogging, because of all the STUFF going on, because of my bad wrist (I think maybe caused or at least exacerbated by the computer- I am trying to be better about posture) and I was away on my first little trip.
I flew to Chiang Mai Friday night, came home Wednesday night. It was  perfect timing because Tim's trip home was Saturday to Thursday. So flew to C M and Andrew met my very late arrival (midnight). Andrew is my cousin Sue Edwards Maclachlan's eldest son. He teaches at an International School outside C M, as does his wife Mary, and their 9 year old daughter Maeve attends. He lives off campus, in the country in a beautiful quite Thai home set in an orchard. He looks west to the mountains that begin the foothills to Burma and the Himalayas. We had a quiet weekend, ate out lots , I had 3 hours of Thai massage (a total of $24), a gorgeous Sundowner's drink and dinner evening at a very posh Four Seasons hotel near his place. The last evening he had a surprise for me. He bought 4 huge (4'X6') paper lanterns and we lit them up into the night sky. We could follow them up to the stars and moon for probably half an hour. It was spectacular.
Then a car came for me Monday morning and I met up with my friend Ann who annually visits her son who has lived in C M for 18 years. He married a Thai girl and they have two children a daughter Ti 7, and a son Ju-Ju 13. They are lovely. We did the tourist things in our van- silk factory, celadon pottery, wood village, Flower show. It was very hot 92' and full sun, but dry. Still stinking hot. My last morning I hired a car and went to see the elephants, orchid and butterfly farm. The elephants were amazing. They are very special in Thailand, and the show they put on is very entertaining. I also saw 3 big temples in C M and then flew back to Sg.
I will try to add some photos of these things.

So Sundown dinner at the Four Season's
     Andrew in his Thai living room
     Me totally surprised by this thing that came up and wrapped itself around my neck
     A temple in C M
Too bad my lantern photos did not turn out. It was so gorgeous. They do a festival of lights and send thousands of lanterns in to the sky. Saw a youtube that Andrew did of them. It is so beautiful.
So this is a fast catch up. Stay with me. My wrists will get better and it will be easier for me to blog.
Now I will go ice!


  1. Sending good vibes to both you and Tim. Don't worry, with you and Cathy blogging, I will always be checking! Glad you had a good time at CM. Sounds wonderful, especially the massage part. (I could use one right now after a gruelling xc ski.)

  2. I am having such a hard time picturing Tim stressed! I know this will all work out, just hope it does so soon. Criminy! I'm less surprised that an elephant would give you a hug though ;^) And as always, you look great!
